
Thursday, September 1, 2011

Lebaran's Day #2

August 31, 2011

My big family went to Semarang and Jepara to take a little vacation. In Semarang we visited Masjid Agung Semarang. This Mosque is very extensive and impressive :O


Lebaran's Day #1

Happy Lebaran Everyone!!! :D

I wanna say a million thanks to my beloved God, Allah SWT. Thank you for giving me life till now, healthy body, happiness, big great family, amazing friends, and thank you for everything :)
Forgive me God, I have a lot of mistakes. Bless our worship in the month of Ramadan, and hopefully we all go back to 'fitrah'. Amin.

For my Mom and Dad, please forgive me if I have a lot of mistakes all this time, that make you angry and dissapointed, I'm so sorry if I ain't yet become a good daughter. Love you always :*

with my brother. Hey Dude, you have a lot of mistakes with me!

And we go to Eyang Kakung's tomb.