Here the place that i wanna go there soon, really excited with this place. Yups it's called Pindul Cave.
Pindul Cave is located at Bejiharjo Village in Karangmojo, Gunung Kidul, about 50 kilometers from city of Yogyakarta. The distance takes about 1 to 1.5 hours journey by car, going through the mountains.In this place you can enjoy Cavetubing similar to rafting. If rafting (rafting) is the activity along the river by boat, then cavetubing is activity along the cave by rising above the inner tube.To down the cave pindul takes about 45-60 minutes. Goa pindul itself is divided into three zones, namely, bright, dim, dark and timeless.
Gooossshh... sounds great,right?
Wanna go there soon not later, Dad! ;)