You used to have me your best services when I
come to you. Like I was the only Princess live in this world. Everything you served
to pleased me. You did anyways to make me happy. I knew you did much effort to
stop my crying and eat the afternoon snack.
I love the way you told me a story before I
I love the way you combed my hair
I love your cook
I love learned cooking with you
I love the way you cared to people around
I love the way you called me diahku
pusmeong :’D
If somebody ask me bout my favorite inspirational
people, the answer must be you. I learnt many things from you. Your lived was
dedicated to your family and society. How you always shared your opinion and
ideas to make a better life. Your concern in social and environment
make many people get inspired. You did much, till you forgot that your body no
longer strong and young as your soul.That’s the time when you have a rest for a
while, I couldn’t believe that you would have a rest forever. You left me, you
left all of us. Couldn’t feel anything at that time. I stood on my knees, and
hugged by my mom. That was the first time, I lost someone I really love. It’s
hurt, but feeling relieved because you would no longer felt the pain.
Whenever I come to your house,it feels like you were still there. Welcomed me,
asked me to eat and ask me to sleepover when I asked permission to go back
home. You left before I could thanks for everything you gave me in 19 years. I
feel sorry for not always be there when you sick, I just couldn’t see you
hurt by the pain. Even I didn’t use my chance to hug you for the last time, I
didn’t want my tears dropped to your smiling face.
You were loving and caring people, so that
many people will always remember your kindness, loyalty and dedication. They
sent you their best prayer, hope you always get happiness there. You’ll always
in our heart, our prayer. I’m so happy ever having you around and thank God for
give me lots of precious time with you.
“Simbah, apa kabar? Sudah seribu hari lho,
“Aku kangen makan sambel bikinan simbah hehe.”
#31HariMenulis #3
#31HariMenulis #3
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